Stay Safe, Stay Sharp: The Best Concealed Carry Tips for Your Daily Life

Stay Safe, Stay Sharp: The Best Concealed Carry Tips for Your Daily Life
Image Credit: Outdoor Hacker

Since 2017 I have been carrying a concealed handgun. Over the years my guns and holsters have changed but my desire to carry them has never wavered. Carrying a firearm consistently assures that you are capable of protecting yourself and your loved ones in the face of chaos.

However, there are some things that can get in the way of you achieving that level of preparedness. I have experienced these hangups over the years and made changes to ensure they do not hinder me from carrying my firearm.

It doesn’t take a lot to keep you from carrying your gun. Even with an investment in licenses, holster, and training. So, take advantage of these concealed carry tips.

Comfort Above All Else

Comfort is everything when it comes to carrying concealed. This is because if your holster, belt, gun, or pants are not comfortable then you will not carry your gun consistently. Some days you will and other days you will think, ah, it’s just a short trip.’

Your holster should fit the gun snug but should also be comfortable to wear. Experiment with where you carry, too. I know guys who carry appendix, and I tried for a day or two and realized there is nothing more uncomfortable for me.

Carrying on your hip might be uncomfortable but shifting the holster a bit to the right side of your back could be the sweet spot. Play with it and get it perfect. If you are uncomfortable then you will not carry your weapon.

Know Your Laws

Don’t get arrested for carrying a weapon where you are not allowed to. This is tough sometimes, but it is very important. These laws change often and if you do not keep up with them you can find yourself breaking the law.

Depending on the type of place you live these laws could come with very stiff penalties like jail time. Just search for the name of the city or town you live in and concealed carry laws.

Add a Bag to your Loadout

Add a Bag to your Loadout
Image Credit: Outdoor Hacker

Having a bag for carrying your weapon can make a huge difference in how often you carry. This is particularly helpful if you are an active person who spends the summer in basketball shorts.

There are some holsters out there for people wearing shorts but none of them seem comfortable to me. It is just better for me to throw a sling bag on, with a concealed pocket for my weapon, and move through life without skipping a beat.

My choice is a sling, but you might prefer a messenger bag or the popular cross-body. Your call. Make it comfortable and easy to access. 

Carry a Tourniquet

If you carry a gun, then you should carry a tourniquet. The more ways you have to stop bleeding the better. It would not be out of line to carry a fully stocked IFAK.

Bullets go both ways. If you pull your weapon in self-defense, you should expect the other person or group to have weapons, too. If you get shot, then a tourniquet could mean the difference between life and death.

Also, learn to use your tourniquet. It will do you no good if you are bleeding all over the place and cannot get it applied properly.

Test Your Holster

Test Your Holster
Image Credit: Outdoor Hacker

When you go from sitting to standing, I am sure your holster does exactly what it’s supposed to. However, man cannot live by sitting and standing alone. What happens when you squat down, climb up something, run, jump, fall, all of this has an effect on how your holster performs.

This is doubly important if you are a parent. Play with your kids, man! They want you to get on the ground and play pretend with them. If you have a shoddy holster or a bad gun belt, then your gun is going to fall out.

My buddy lost his Glock 19 on a bug out exercise crawling through thickets and woods in the middle of the night. He didn’t test his holster.

Be Safe When the Holster Comes Off

We haven’t touched on gun safety much. I hope that gun safety is something you have been taught and practiced long before deciding to carry a gun.

There is a grey area in your life when it comes to carrying concealed. That is when the gun comes off your body. Do you have a process for this? Maybe you have returned home and are changing into jogging pants or something.

Where does the gun go? Do you just place it on your nightstand? Does it go right into a small safe?

If you don’t have a process for this then your gun could wind up in the wrong person’s hands. That could be your child, a visitor in your home, or someone else’s child. This is unacceptable and could destroy the lives of so many people.

Don’t play games with this one. You need a safe place for your firearm at all times. If it is off your person, then you need a safe to place it in or a location where it is hidden.


The right to keep and bear arms is as America as the flag itself. When you carry a firearm daily you are exercising that right. Not to mention a gun is the ultimate equalizer in a self-defense situation whether you are dealing with multiple attackers or someone bigger than you.

Every woman in America should carry a firearm and we would see a massive decrease in violent crime against women.

All of those benefits go out the window if you don’t carry your gun. These tips will make sure that your weapon is comfortable and easy to carry. Carrying your weapon consistently and safely is what it’s all about.